The division of Psychiatry in Naseem AlRabeeh Medical Care, is a branch of medical science based on the diagnosis, treatment and interception of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.Mental illness impacts in many ways. If you neglect or if left untreated, it can paralyze individuals as well as loved ones, families, colleagues,children and communities.A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health, help individuals and their families identify mental illness and get the help they need when they need it most. Our clinical service delivers to improve services by bringing new ways to provide highly specialized care to our most complex patients.
Treatment conditions such as:
Anxiety disorders (Panic, Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, Phobias)
Hypnotherapy for addictions, relaxation stubborn behavior patterns, eating disorders, relaxation and stress management, sleeping problems.
Psychological services for Adults:
Individual therapy for many emotional struggles, such as: depression, anxiety, and stress
Therapy for other psychological disorders through cognitive behavioral Cognitive-behavioral
method for post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder
Evaluation for attention disorders, learning disorders, and other psychological concerns.
Psychological services in Children and Adolescents:
Attention or behavioral problems
Academic difficulties or developmental disorders or autism (Development Delay Syndrome)
Social and emotional difficulties such as depression and anxiety
Family and school-related problems
Family therapy
School consultations